Monday, May 28, 2007

Announcing the Birth of "Hurley Ate My Baby!!!"

Yeah Selina, we really should be updating this more, but then again, who's actualy reading it? Anyways, off from the tangent:

Firstly, we LOVED the Finale! Kate didn't die yay! And me and Selina solemly swear we will never worry about her dying on the island ever again! Yeah, so we've recorded the Finale podcast yesterday, and I'm sure Selina and Elle are hard at editing as I type. Hopefully it will be out pretty soon. Fear not, however. If you listened to the last episode, you will know that we are continuing throuigh the hiatus. Next week we're planning to do a Jacket debate with our Jacketeer listener, Emily, and we've also got lots more plans including episode commentaries, and the ressurrection of fanfiction!

Now onto the title, which has probably got everyone pretty confused. As you will hear in the new podcast, if you actually get through the whole thing, Selina and I have formed our very own Lost tribute band. Yeah, sounds stupid considering one of us (hahaha) is in Denmark and one of us (hehehe) is in England, but we worked through that. As no-one will probably check this until after listening to the podcast, I have decided to basically fill in the blanks on here. The band is called 'Hurley Ate My Baby' which is apparently a Buffy tribute, which I don't get, but there we go. Selina and I are currently the only band member, but the Others (ok, this is getting old now) might join us if they aren't too freaked. Our first song has been released on the upcoming podcast, and it is to the tune of 'Stop' by the Spice Girls. So that you don't have to listen through the entire podcast just to hear our voices, here is a link to download the song on its own, should you want to have it on your MP3 player or whatever. Hopefully you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed recording it, and well, we may record some more if we have time and if people like it... we'll see. Oh, and we can take song requests as long as they're not too hard. Btw I'm typing all this without Selina's permission, so maybe not!

Stay tuned for the next podcast, love you all!

That's it?

It would help if I actually put the link in! 'Stop' by Hurley Ate My Baby

That's it!

1 comment:

Selina said...

I read it! Um, like a month later......... but it's a start! GO US! 8)