Monday, February 4, 2008

The Beginning of the End

Because OMG! It's back! Hey everyone, we're currently in the process of getting Fatecast #23 out, in which we discuss The Beginning of the End!!! Exciting! We also have a guest star, of Jessica from the forums, which is a nice change, and an outside opinions. To see how many people actually check the blog, I thought I'd give you guys a nice little extra. I've taken a pic of the notes I made as I skimmed through the episode shortly before recording. A few scenes were skipped but this is a general idea of what notes I'm working off in the episode. Sorry it's a bit blurred too! Here you go:


Sunday, February 3, 2008

#22: Mun and Other Fun!

Hehe! What a title. This short episode was released just before the s4 premiere and we discuss mobisodes #7-11! We hope you enjoy! I'm currently working very hard on getting the new episode out which will be all about The Beginning of the End!! Wasn't it just unbelievably amazing??? Lost is back!!!!!! :D :D :D


Any questions or comments? Please email us, we always love hearing from you! :)

And remember to get working on those filks! ;)