Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Episode #19: All In One Word!

The episode is up, and it's one of the better of our latest released! The editing, ahem, is pretty good, and the topic should interest you all - the latest Lost news, as well as discussion of the Comic Con panel, some casting news, and rumours. There are no major spoilers discussed at all, so don't worry if you're taken the vow!

And wow. 19 episodes, that's loads guys! Thank you for listening!

All in one word!

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Monday, August 13, 2007


Okies so it's 9:08am and I've been awake for an hour even after a mega-writing session at 2:30am with Selina. Yes, that's right, a new song. Am I gonna tell you what it is? NO WAY!!! This one's really good. I love it. Selina loves it. My sister loves it! So I'm up really early because I'm rearing to record it :D Ahh *excited* maybe we should have a separate HAMB blog... oh well more to update then :S

Anyways, currently editing 'Greatest Hits' - Status: 50% done. It's taken a lot of effort because last week I was throwing myself around at Summer School so I couldn't do anything, and because I ripped half of the podcast out for 'Jatest Hits' it's all really bitty, so yeah, lots of editing. Fun fun fun.

So yeah, the Harry Potter podcast is now out as is the new commentary. A little background information on the HP Cast: we actually recorded it 3 times, but the files got messed up, so if it sounds a little rehearsed, that' s why. Also, we wanted to try and get it out before the 7th book... and we *cough* almost made it, so it was recorded at 9:30am my time, and I was like, falling asleep. Not that Selina was boring! Just because I only got up at 9:05am ;) As for the audio commentary, we recorded that agessss ago! I can't even remember what I said except that I hadn't seen the episode for ages so I was like hyperventilating at the sling scene :D

Well that's an update on life. Look I updated the blog!!!


Friday, August 10, 2007

Updates (no !!! so I'm not Aly ;))

HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER HARRY POTTER HARRY... oops, this is a Lost podcast, isn't it? Heh. Hi there! If you want to join in our HP discussion, please go to where we're all reeling from the last book, but beware of spoilers of course!

As for why we've been so awol, I thought I'd update with a few things. First of all, Elle, Alex and Kristen are... around, not exactly sure where, but so it's just me and Aly these days. This both speeds up and slows down the process of getting shows out, interestingly enough, as of course it is much easier to plan and record shows with only two people, and even easier to edit to some degree, because there are less files to sync. However, since we are only two, the editing work also must be split between us, and as we've both been busy alternatively crying our eyes out, waving our wands around and squeeing excessively - or is that just me?, the shows have sort of been piling up, and it takes quite a big breath attempting to get up to date. I managed to do the bloopercast, hope you all enjoyed that by the way, and now I'm tackling the Harry Potter comparison cast (recorded pre-DH). I'm pretty much done with it really, so it'll be up within the next few days if Nicole is around! Then there's the Greatest Hits which Aly is busy as a beaver working on around the clock of course, heh, then a commentary (won't tell you which episode, you can wait and see ;)) me and Aly recorded AGES ago, and I thought it was finished but... I have no idea where the file is so I have to redo it, but that shouldn't take long, then a NewsCast with um, new-ish news, which I assume I'm doing as well unless Aly finishes the GH episode... and then we can start recording again! That Jacket debate is coming up soon guys, and that should be pretty awesome, so be excited!

Otherwise, just... hang in there, I know it feels like Lost should be just around the corner, but the autumn will fly right by and before you know it it's my birthday! I mean, season 4. What a better present eh? Well depending on what happens, of course! I've been reading lots of HP fanfics so I'm pretty out of it, but had a really cool Jate dream last night with a burning labyrinth and the Whomping Willow... but they both said ily so it was a good dream! Reminded me why I love this ship so much <3
