Friday, July 13, 2007

A Double Package!!!

Hey guys!

This is Aly and I'm currently editing the 16th or maybe it's the 17th podcast! It's kinda hard to tell because we have one podcast on my laptop, which has exploded*, one which I should really send the files to Selina for, and one which I am currently editing. On top of that we have our second Audio Commentary of Episode 1x07 "The Moth" and also an extra Audio Commentary for all the Buffy fans out there.

* I just found the files for this podcast, so it may be coming sooner than expected :D

This week, we recorded the podcast "Jatest Hits" in which we discuss the best Jate moments of the season, and then some of our other favourites and least favourites. Now, due to technical difficulties and files deleting themselves, we reocrded over 3 days, and thus I now have a joyous 3 and a half ours of podcast to edit. So, we've decided to make up for the lack of podcasts, we're going to release 2 separate podcasts including all of the stuff we discussed over the 3 days, as a lot of it would otherwise have been cut. Therefore, as soon as I'm done editing, you will be getting two podcasts: "Jatest Hits" and "Greatest Hits"

Cheers! (and zomg going to see Harry Potter tonight!!!)


1 comment:

Natalia said...

Love the fatecast...and TMFT scene is my fav from season 3 too ^^